Camp Vincent
St. Vincent de Paul Camp, est. 1971
A Summer of Fun, a Lifetime of Memories!

Drop Off: Sunday 4:00 p.m.
Pick Up: Friday 2:30-4:30 p.m (Bring ID)
Drop-off and Check-in
Camper check-in begins on the Sunday beginning your child’s week at camp at 4pm. Drop off location is 15142 Longwoods Rd., Bothwell, ON N0P 1C0 (Camp Vincent). Campers will be checked-in with their guardians to ensure that all payment and camper forms are up to date. Families will also have the opportunity to speak with our Health Care Aide regarding any medication your child may have with them (including over the counter medication). Finally, your child will also receive a head check by our staff to ensure there is no presence of lice. After being cleared by our staff, your child will be escorted to their cabin and introduced to other campers and staff by one of our counsellors!
Important information to remember regarding drop off and check-in:
1. Drop off is at Camp Vincent (St. Vincent de Paul Camp) located at 15142 Longwoods Rd., Bothwell, ON
2. Check-in time for your child begins the Sunday of your registered week at 4pm, at Camp Vincent
3. All information and payment must be up to date. The camp will work with you to schedule your child’s medication. All medications are to be kept by the camp Health Care Aide until Friday when you pick up your child.
4. Your child will receive a head check to ensure there is no presence of lice. If your child is found to have lice, he or she will not be able to stay at camp until you are able to clear their head. Of course they are welcomed back after receiving treatment, and will be screened by our staff to confirm upon arrival.
5. Tuck items (hats, t-shirts, water bottles, etc) are available for sale during this time!
Should you have any questions prior to registration (July-August), please contact the camp directly at 519-695-2404. Inquires outside of July-August should be directed to 519-354-1885.
Pick-up and De-registration
Camper pickup and de-registration is set for Friday at 4pm at Camp Vincent (camper sessions are 6 days long). Official Friday afternoon activities are finished by 2-2:30pm. After this point, campers participate in sign up sessions until they are picked up and are generally packed and ready to go by this point. If you wish to pick up your child earlier than 2pm, please call us ahead of time so that we may ensure that your child is packed and ready to go when you arrive. If you are going to be delayed later than 4:30pm, please call us to let us know! All parents, guardians, or those authorized to pick up children (determined on your child’s camp forms) are REQUIRED to provide photo identification and signature prior to camp staff releasing the child.
At Camp Vincent, we take the safety of your child extremely seriously. If your identity cannot be verified, WE WILL NOT RELEASE THE CHILD INTO YOUR CUSTODY. After picking up your child, you will also have the opportunity to sign our your child’s medication (if applicable) and confirm that your child has collected all of their belongings. Lost articles will likely be located at your child’s cabin. They are generally brought to lost and found after the campers have departed in order to facilitate finding items. Tuck items (shirts, hats, water bottles, etc) are available for sale as memory-markers for your child during this time.
Important information to remember regarding pick-up and DE-registration:
1. Pick up is at 4pm the Friday of your child’s registered week. Planning to pick up your child earlier than 2pm? Give us a call ahead of time and we’ll ensure your child is packed and ready when you arrive! Delayed and not going to make to us by 4:30pm? We understand that things happen and would appreciate a call to let us know!
2. Photo Identification is REQUIRED by those signing out children. ID will be matched to the names on your child’s forms. The legal guardians can ALWAYS update this information ahead of time to ensure sign-out happens smoothly!
3. Sign out your child’s medication (if applicable) and check for lost and found items at your child’s cabin.
4. Tuck items (shirts, hats, water bottles, etc) are available for sale as memory markers for your child during camper pick-up.
Should you have any questions prior to registration (July-August), please contact the camp directly at 519-695-2404. Inquires outside of July-August should be directed to 519-354-1885.

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Camp Vincent, 15142 Longwoods Rd. Bothwell, ON N0P1C0 (226)626-3137
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