Camp Vincent  

St. Vincent de Paul Camp, est. 1971

  A Summer of Fun, a Lifetime of Memories!

Financial Support

Financial Support


At Camp Vincent, we recognize that each family has a different ability to pay for their child’s camp fees.  Although Camp Vincent’s camper fees are lowered and partially subsidized for all families, at times this can still be difficult to financially achieve for some families. Above are various support options for families who find it difficult to pay the full camper fees, as well as information regarding reaching the various organizations. We will continue to add additional sources of funding as we become aware of them.  If you are aware of a funding opportunity for summer programs in your area, please contact us so we might add it to our website!

Camp Vincent advocates the “hand-up, not hand-out” principle. While we respect that each family has a different ability to pay, we believe that every family can contribute to sending their children to camp, however small or large that contribution might be. We aim to assist families to the best of our abilities and theirs!



Camp Vincent, 15142 Longwoods Rd. Bothwell, ON N0P1C0 (226)626-3137

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