Camp Vincent
St. Vincent de Paul Camp, est. 1971
A Summer of Fun, a Lifetime of Memories!
Ontario Camps Association
What does it mean to be accredited?
Ontario parents and guardians of children and youth send their children to OCA Accredited Member Camps because they know of our dedication to standards, guidelines, and principals. We work hard to elevate the camp profession by defining the values and priorities for Accredited Camps in Ontario. Through the work of the Standards Committee, the Standards Revision Committee and the Association’s process for Standards Visits, the OCA can provide support and direction to camp owners and operators, influence legislation, and implement a framework (the OCA Standards) to objectively evaluate camping excellence.
Since the Ontario Camps Association’s founding in 1937, OCA Standards have offered camps in Ontario a benchmark for sound camp operation and administration. Throughout the years, OCA Members have reviewed and revised the standards; today, these standards cover almost every aspect of a camp’s operation.

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Camp Vincent, 15142 Longwoods Rd. Bothwell, ON N0P1C0 (226)626-3137
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