Camp Vincent  

St. Vincent de Paul Camp, est. 1971

  A Summer of Fun, a Lifetime of Memories!

14-15 Program

Leader In Training Program For 14-15 Year Old Campers

We are pleased to announce the continuation of a program geared specifically to our oldest campers (14-15 years old) to help develop their confidence and leadership skills.  This year, your 14 or 15 year old will be part of a Leader In Training program.  Leaders In Training will still take part in a variety of camp activities, including canoeing, archery, the arts, small group games, and camp-wide games, but in a much different capacity! Leaders in Training will have the opportunity to play critical roles in our weekly programming such as characters during the games. Leaders In Training will also spend time with some of our younger campers as mentors.

During their stay, your son or daughter will have the opportunity to forge lasting friendships with similar-aged campers through a variety of outdoor and indoor activities, sports, and games, while developing their leadership skills with other younger campers. Our staff will take the time to nature, guide, and teach each camper throughout the week.

Upon successfully completing the week, Leaders In Training will be presented with a leadership certificate, which outlines their accomplishments as prospering leaders. Who knows? Perhaps such an exhilarating and successful experience will convince them to try their hand as one of our staff in the near future!  Although not a neccessity, successful completion of our Leader In Training program is considered an asset when applying as one of our staff in the future.

Please note: Because of the increased focus on leadership development during the Jr. Coed Week, leaders will be awarded with an “Advanced Leadership Training” Certificate to reflect the additional time spent on skill development when compared to other weeks.  All weeks are excellent opportunities for fostering leadership skills, but our Jr. Coed Week will allow our 14-15 yr olds spend an extended amount of time working with our younger campers. This is made possible by the age gap between campers (the next oldest campers are 11 years old during this week).

Only a single successful week is required to obtain a Leadership in Training certificate, though participation in multiple weeks is certainy encouraged! Each week presents unique friends, themes, and leadership opportunities. No two experiences are ever the same!

At Camp Vincent, we understand that every child is unique, and so are the needs of each child. We would be very pleased to speak with you directly about your child’s specific needs, concerns, or questions you may have. Please note that registration in the program is automatic upon registering your child in their chosen week. PLEASE NOTE: Training Leadership does not run during our Int. Coed Week due to the week being restricted to older campers. Older campers will still participate in all traditional camp activities.


*Space is limited during our Jr. Co-Ed Week for 14-15 yr olds (10 girls, 10 boys)*

For information regarding leadership opportunities through employment (16 years or older) Click Here!




Camp Vincent, 15142 Longwoods Rd. Bothwell, ON N0P1C0 (226)626-3137

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